Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Pics from "Grandparents Month"

A few more pics from last weekend's visit by Grandpa and Grandma Shirley.  Zain seems to be adjusting to the lack of grand-attention okay.  :-) 

Cruising Lake Scugog
Look at those teeth!
It didn't take him long to figure out he could stick his whole hand in this snack cup
Hanging out, literally, in Port Perry

I think he looks like something out of the original 60s Star Trek in this picture

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Overnight Success

Guess who's walking???  Last week, Zain had a few "first steps."  He took one or two little unsupported steps a couple times.  Then two days ago, he had what I'd call his "first walk."  Rather unexpectedly.  I was chatting on the phone with my mom and all of a sudden I said, "He's walking!"  He was taking four waddly little steps.  For those of you familiar with the geography of our baby-safe zone, he walked between the coffee table and the leather chair, where I was sitting.  Later in the afternoon, he took another four-step walk in the kitchen.  Shif missed these first sizable walks, but he did show her a little 2- or 3-step jaunt yesterday.  He's also suddenly much better at walking with us holding one of his hands.  Before, this was always sort of an exercise in twisting, turning, falling, stumbling, and bumbling.  But now, seemingly out of the blue, he just toddles confidently along beside us.

Another new skill has shown up, seemingly overnight, today.  He's saying 'no', appropriately, complete with shaking head.  "Want some more banana, sweetie?" "Nee [shake, shake]."  Yes, it sounds like "nee", which somehow makes him sound like a little Amish man to me, but it definitely is a polite 'no'.  More polite than his former method of swatting away a spoonful of food or dropping it on the floor. 

Some more recent pics:

At the park, before his last haircut
Three puppies
In flight
The reason there are no knobs on our stove right now (you can also see the lawn furniture that has replaced our lighter, tippable kitchen chairs - Martha Stewart does not live here)
Trying out crayons
Apparently they are better as a snack
Mobile drinking

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

More Birthday Weekend

Another grandparents' visit is in the books!  Zain had a great time hanging out with "Pa" and Grandma Shirley this weekend.  He even woke up early to see them off to the train station this morning.  I think it's going to be an adjustment for him to life with just his two boring parents after all this 24/7 grandparent attention in the last month or so.

Catching up on photos.... a few more shots from Zain's birthday weekend:

Grandma W's flashlight is an awesome discovery

He's started transporting objects puppy-style, in his mouth
Aunt Lorna got Z this fantastic shirt - we like the Blue Jays, but he has to stay true to his roots!
Saying bye-bye to Grammy
On Zain's actual birthday, we headed over to the Toronto Islands for a long walk on a beautiful fall day.

"Are my shoes on the wrong feet?"
At Hanlan's Point

They have a great playground on Centre Island

LOVES slides

It was a beautiful day on the Island
An exhausted Zain takes a snooze on the ferry
One year ago.....

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Birthday Party

 A few more pics from Zain's birthday party:

Nizar Uncle is always good for fun times

Shif's mom made Zain's awesome bear cake
Not too sure about a ride with Ofzal Uncle

Michelle is always hilarious
Naeem tests the weight limit of Zain's gift from Michelle

Paul and Stu check out Zain's baby book
Toes hard at work

Someone noted that it looks like we're restraining him.  Yes, we are.
With... what exactly are we calling her?  Femmy Aunty?  Famida Aunty?  Faana?  How do you spell Faana?
Naeem shows off the sweet card that he made for Zain
September is "Grandparents Month" for Zain.  Five of his seven grandparents were here for his party, and the other two are coming for a visit this week!  This is one very loved little boy.

Naani is a Zain addict
Grandma W came up for a visit from Ohio
Grammy, too!

Bapa assists in party teardown
Maa's zipper is fascinating

Friday, September 9, 2011


It's catch-up time again!  With traveling and visitors and birthdays, there are plenty of pictures and stories in the queue.  So expect a flurry of blog posts coming up!  Let's start with Mexico...  

Well, Zain has the first stamp in his passport!  We traveled to a resort near Playa del Carmen for a week with Shif's family.  Zain shouldn't get accustomed to such luxurious travel.  Shif and I aren't really resort-type travelers, but we did enjoy a warm week with few worries (beyond how we were going to recover from so much eating). 

Checking out the lobby with Naani - "How big is this place???"
In Playa del Carmen

We had this Mayan restaurant to ourselves, so Z went exploring
Zain loved the beach.  He loves playing in sand.  And he didn't mind the ocean too much, but he's still a little unsure about waves.  He loved them at Sandbanks earlier this summer, but was a little more cautious in Mexico.  

For some reason, we have no pics of us at the beach.  So imagine us in this picture!
What he really loved, though, was the pools.  His Auntie Fem had bought him the awesome, red floaty car you see below.  He liked bobbing around in the water while we were holding him, but it was nice to be able to pop him into the car, too. There were a few "waterfalls" and fountains in the pools that he was determined to touch, but every time we'd get close, the water splashing up in his eyes was too much for him. 

The most sun-protected kid in Mexico
The undercarriage

Swimming with Bapa
The always-serious Naeem
My other baby
Zain soooo wanted to touch this
Switching hats with Bapa

The fam
All in all, it was a nice trip.  We all got lots of family time, and Zain had no shortage of babysitters.  We were able to relax and didn't have to worry about cooking, cleaning, and washing diapers.  Got lots of reading done.  I finished two books, which about doubled my non-baby-related reading for the year. Shif and I went diving, we made an excursion into Playa del Carmen, and I took Naeem for his first kayak paddle.  

Zain slept pretty well in the hotel room (our main concern before going).  We had taken a dark blue bedsheet, pushpins, and binder clips with us, and we were able to fashion a hillbilly room divider that gave him his own little room.  The maids seemed a little perplexed by it.  We had also put an extra bedspread under his thin pack 'n play mattress to make his bed a little more comfortable, and one day the maid "made his bed" and the bedspread was neatly tucked on top of his mattress.  

It was nice to have the giant buffets because we could Zain a variety of food, including lots of fresh fruit.  On one particularly fussy day, we found that pizza is the cure for all food pickiness.  He learned the word "pizza" remarkably quickly and will now instantly repeat it when you say it (and start looking for the pizza).  We now have to spell the word, sort of like how we can't say the word "walk" when Binda is around and call it a "W" instead. 

Naeem helping out with breakfast
The group, at the steakhouse.  Can you spot Zain?

Zain liked our strolls around the resort.  There were resident cats, coatis, peacocks, and lizards to look at.

We all loved the coatis
Enjoying a poolside drink
Well, at least one of us got a tan
This was Zain's second set of airplane flights (the first was to Ohio when he was a much tinier guy) and he did pretty well once again.  He's little more active this time, so entertaining and containing were our goals.  Thankfully, he slept for part of each flight.  Lots of books and toys were utilized, and he visited everyone in our party a few times on each flight.  

Roaming the Toronto airport, complete with bodyguard and camera crew
Making a friend at the Cancun airport
Infinitely entertaining
Traveling makes you hungry.  Attacking Mummy's tuna sandwich.