Monday, January 24, 2011

New Developments

All sorts of new things are going on in Zain's life.  Most importantly, we've had some major improvements in sleep!  Shif will be posting on this in the near future.  But let's just say this has made both baby and mommies infinitely happier.  Other new developments:

The swaddle is gone!  The duct tape is history!  We had gotten to the point that Zain was just getting infuriated when we tried to swaddle him, so we wanted to stop.  But his arms are still a little too loosey goosey when he sleeps and he wakes himself up.  This little conundrum was solved when some of our prenatal pals lent us this sleepsuit.  It's made of very thick fleece that makes it hard, but not impossible, for him to move his arms and legs.  So, basically it's a flail retardant. He fussed early on when we put it on, but now doesn't really mind.  It's been great, and it's a good way to transition to no swaddle. 

We're still giving Zain a little bit of rice cereal most days.  He loves it.  And he's still coveting our food and drinks when we eat in front of him.  And I think he would instantly learn to crawl if we set a water glass five feet in front of him during tummy time.  Patience, little boy!

So, teething.... Zain has been acting like he's teething for almost two months, so we really have no idea when some teeth might actually show up.  He's obsessed with chewing on anything that comes within his reach.

As you saw in the last post, there is yet another piece of baby equipment in our house now.  And this one is a big hit.  Zain loves his new Jolly Jumper.  The first couple days, he hadn't quite figured out that pushing off with both feet at the same time was the way to get some amplitude.  He was alternating feet and it looked more like Riverdance than jumping.  It was very cute and we're sorry we didn't get some video of it!  But he quickly caught on, and he loves to bounce around, standing up like a big boy, twisting around to get 360° views.

Did I mention he chews on everything?
We're also doing lots of tummy time and sitting up.  Here he is practicing poses for his high school graduation pictures. 

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