Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Visiting Ohio

We had a great visit to Ohio at the end of March.  It was an action-packed five days.  Zain had his first airplane flight, we got to visit lots of family, and Zain got to hang out with his cousins at a wedding shower for his Aunt Mary and Soon-to-Be Uncle Ryan.  

Zain was a great flyer.  The flight we take to Ohio is on a very tiny plane (19 seats, no flight attendant, the pilots tell you to come up and tap them on the shoulder if you need anything) and rarely has more than 5 or 6 passengers, and it's also very loud.  We figured these were ideal conditions for a baby's first flight - fewer people to give us dirty looks if he flipped out.  Fortunately, dirty looks were not necessary.  He slept, fed, played with the air vent, and otherwise quietly amused himself. 

Some other scenes from the week:
Fun in the ball pit during the shower

Playing with cousins Maya and Beth
Hanging out with Grandpa

Sleepover with Maya
Practicing his rolling at Grammy's house
Practicing weird foot skills at Grammy's house
More fun toys - American light switches!
Grammy loves Mr. Rosy Cheeks

In the airport on the way home. Long weekend, Zain?


  1. He is just the happiest baby I've ever seen! Sorry we missed you during your visit. Hope to see you on your next Midwestern Tour.

  2. I know, Sarah. We definitely need to get together when we're there in May.
