Thursday, October 20, 2011

Haircut, Part Trois

Zain had his third haircut today.  We had agreed that Shif could try her hand at cutting his hair twice, then we'd assess whether we needed professional assistance.  The first two cuts have been pretty good and lessons have been learned.  For his third cut we decided to take him to the pros, watch what they did, and try to replicate it at home (because $25 for a baby's haircut seems crazy).  We took him to Melonhead, the local kid-cutting chain.  

They are obviously experts at cutting hair very quickly.  You'll notice before and after pictures below, but nothing in between.  Because both of us were engaged in pinning Zain's arms down, consoling him, singing to him, blowing bubbles, and making a toy police car look enticing.  He was not happy.  At all.  From the very beginning.  Tears and all.  By about the halfway point, a combination of Shif's singing and the police car calmed him down.  Shif said at one point she realized her singing had calmed him down but she was afraid to stop, so everyone in the salon got to enjoy her vocals.  The calm lasted until the clippers came out for the final touches.  But he managed to tough it out.  

Shaggy sitting in the pink Cadillac
The new 'do
A horsey ride post-cut helped soothe the traumatized boy
The well-groomed man



  1. Looks like a great place to get a haircut. Are you installing a variety of RIDE ON's at home for the next cut?

  2. I think it would help, Shirley! Although he didn't cry for his haircuts at home. :-)
