Thursday, March 15, 2012

Once in a Lifetime

Those of you who are familiar with Zain's sleep habits may realize that the above is a rare sight.  Like spotting Bigfoot in your backyard.  Today, for what we think is only the second time in his 18-month life,  Z was headed for a whole day without a nap.  During his regular naptime, he spent over an hour in his crib singing, squealing, speaking Klingon, playing with his feet, bouncing on his knees, and not napping.  Shif herself was trying to nap and said she ended up watching the whole thing on the video monitor instead because it was such compelling TV.  

So we gave up on the nap and decided we'd put him down early for bedtime.  Later in the afternoon, though, I took him out with me to run a quick errand.  He dozed off in his car seat as we drove home.  I figured he'd wake up when I carried him into the house, as usual, but he stayed lumped on my shoulder.  Since it was way too late for him to have a real nap, I decided to experiment by putting him down on the cushions in the living room.  He's really not one to miss anything and he's pretty finicky about where and how he sleeps, so I expected him to wake up instantly.  An hour later, he was still snoozing away - in his parka.  What's this - acting like one of those (normal) kids who will fall asleep anywhere?  For the first time since he was about 2 months old!

Some other events from this week:
No parka required yesterday!  This is Zain "throwing" the ball to Binda.  Most of his throws go over his head, two-handed, and backwards.

The discovery moment in a serious game of hide and seek

He figured out how to lock the door of his room.  Need to visit Home Depot....

(Incidentally, broccoli produces some fascinating diapers)

1 comment:

  1. Checking in to keep up :) Love the new pics of day to day life with our Toronto Tot.
