Friday, November 19, 2010

Ready for Florida

Zain now has a tiny swim diaper!  He's going to fit right in on the Florida beaches with his speedo, potbelly, and man boobs (those courtesy of Mommy's estrogen).  This week we've been busy trying to tie up a million loose ends and prepare for six weeks out of the country.  Little Z's passport has arrived and we are skipping town! 

We knew we would be heading to Ohio for both American Thanksgiving and Christmas and staying for a week or so each time.  It didn't seem to make much sense to drive back to (cold) Toronto just to turn around a few weeks later and head back to Ohio.  So we decided to head south in between the two holidays and have our first family vacation.  If we're going to be in a car with a potentially screaming baby for that long, we might as well go somewhere fun.  So, our courageous and possibly stupid plan is to spend a week meandering down to Florida, spend a week relaxing on the beach, then take a week to meander back.

We're going to do the drive in little bits that hopefully will not irritate the child and bore the adults.  And if the routine of getting up and organized each morning isn't too horribly slow, we hope to see a few sights at each stop, too.  Oh, did I mention we're taking our dog, too? :-)  We're devoting all of Sunday to figuring out how to fit two moms, one boy, and a husky and six weeks' worth of their clothes and gear into a Prius.  Not to mention figuring out what size Zain will be wearing in late December.  This should be a very interesting trip...

Zain photography has taken a back seat to trip prep, but here are a few recent shots.  Zain and parents are doing great.  We've got a little eat-play-sleep structure going that really works for him.  He's much happier - not overtired as often, and much more cheerful because of it.  He's full of smiles, especially in the morning.  It's so much fun to walk into his room after he wakes up and be greeted by a big, gummy smile.

Naked boy swinging
This boy is incredibly kissable

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